Which member of the 6-pack are you?

Find out which member of there six pack friend group you are

Kate Chidester
Created by Kate Chidester(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 14, 2016

What's your typical Saturday night?

What type of clothes do you wear?

True or False. Is going to every class important?

What's your relationship status?

If a guy from KA texts you "Lodge?", what move is the play?

How often do you talk to your mom?

You get offered to sing on stage at Frogs. What do you do?



You got Emily Larsen!!!!!! You're kind of quiet but wants the music starts bumpin' you are on the dance floor. You also make 4.0s and are on top of the game. Super fun to be around and you love your mom.



You got Taylor King!! You must be obsessed with KA and love El Ranchero. You love to hit the dance floor and to go with the flow.



You got Helen Moninghoff!!! You're life motto is "Go wherever the wind takes you". You're ready to rage any day of the week or go to Chick Fil A. Also the sporty one of the group.



You got Andie Gale!!!! You're always down for a fun adventure, but when given the chance to sing on stage at Frogs you hide in the back. You can't ice out guys so you have about 3 on the line (not really, but kind of). You're super on top of everything and eat popcorn 24/7.



You got Abbey Prangle!!! You love to dance and sing at any opportunity given. Super down for God and loves her boyfriend. Also loves her friends and a spontaneous vacays. Rage on



You got Kate!!!!!Waking up early might not be your thing but Frogs on Wednesday night is but its ok. You eat chick-fil-a literally once a day or anywhere but the cafeteria. Down to chill and love weekend vacays

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