Which Game Of Thrones House Do You Belong To?
Which Game Of Thrones House Do You Belong To?
Are you a cunning Lannister? A loyal Stark? Maybe even a fierce Targaryen...
Are you a cunning Lannister? A loyal Stark? Maybe even a fierce Targaryen...

So, what's your favorite color?
Out of all these, which pet would YOU have?
What do YOU think best describes you?
Now that we've done you, how would your FRIENDS describe you?
If you were stranded in a strange land, where no one spoke your language and you had no food, water or shelter, what would you do?
Who is your favorite character?
So, I hear the iron throne is up for grabs... Are you willing to risk your life?
If you could live anywhere in Westeros, where would you live?
Which do you prefer?
And last but not least... Which house do you really WANT to be in?
You're a Lannister!
You're a Lannister!
Cunning, quick witted, and home to the guy who puts the imp in IMPressive, some might say you're from the most powerful family in Westeros! Good job, my intelligent friend
You're a Targaryen!
You're a Targaryen!
'Fire and Blood' is your house motto, and boy that fits you! Fierce, loyal, and willing to fight for what you're passionate about, you're either a powerful friend or a fearsome enemy...
You're a Stark!
You're a Stark!
Loyal and a love for family is what keeps you strong (no matter how many people die). There'll always be a few of you around Westerns or Essos, and you'll be beyond the wall too!
You're a Tyrell!
You're a Tyrell!
You don't want to be a queen.... You want to be THE queen! You're pretty damn close too! Cunning, quick-witted, but kind and loving, you're awesome!
You're a Baratheon!
You're a Baratheon!
Hello, my king/queen! Good news! You're from the royal family! Bad news! You may or may not have been produced by questionable means! Regardless of this, you have a pretty powerful temper. 'Ours is the fury!'
Ooh... A Baelish...
Ooh... A Baelish...
You're from a made up house which values knowledge above all... Well, maybe you value love as well. Smart with spies everywhere, anyone who's anyone wants you on their side.
No House... You're a Crow! Maybe you're even a wilding!
No House... You're a Crow! Maybe you're even a wilding!
Sworn off women and house, asked to forget your past, you must be pretty brave! Good on you, you're defending the lands of Westeros from White Walkers and Wildlings! Cool job, buddy!
You're a Martell!
You're a Martell!
Do you have a fierce temper? Are you quick to anger, and slow to forgive? Well then, tis is the house for you! While you may be cruel, it is not without reason. Revenge is definitely a dish best served cold. DIE YOU LANNISTERS DIE!