What should you do over break?
What should you do over break?
Taking a break? Don't know what to do? Well we do! Proceed to the quiz c;
--Best for ages <22--
Taking a break? Don't know what to do? Well we do! Proceed to the quiz c;
--Best for ages <22--

So, how has the school year been?
What was the best thing that happened so far (I feel you if nothing good happened)?
What would you typically wear on a regular school day (choose the closest out of the following)?
What does your backpack look like (choose the closest out of the following)?
How do you get to school on a regular day?
Do you have any pets?
What did you do last year over break?
What do you think is the worst part of break?
How would your friends describe you (out of the following)?
And finally- Pick some shoes
Since you have the time, shopping is the ideal thing for you to do.
Spend time with friends from school
Spend time with friends from school
It's always great to get with friends, and now that you're all off school, it's a great time to get with them (outside of that boring classroom). Go to lunch together, get dinner, maybe even a sleepover would be fun. If you don't have their phone number, your school directory most likely has it.
Go see a movie
Go see a movie
Breaks from school to me, are a time to slack. Treat yo' self! Go see a movie, there's always great ones out at the times of school breaks.
Go out to eat
Go out to eat
Food is great, right? So since you're on break, you have time to get quality food! If you really don't feel like dressing up to go somewhere, going to a fast food place is totally fine too (I'd do the same c; ).
TIME TO SLACK! Since it is winter break, you totally have the time to stay in bed on your electronic devices all day. Grab a bag of chips and slump on the couch in your coziest PJs; now you can watch TV all you want! Take advantage of this wonderful time (YOU DESERVE IT!!!).