Which Band of Brothers character are you?

Take this quiz to find out which one of the HBO mini series, Band of Brothers, characters you are!

Joseph Liebgott
Created by Joseph Liebgott (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 19, 2017

You get served a meal they call "spaghetti" for lunch. It's covered in ketchup. What do you do?

Are you well-educated?

You are in the middle of battle when your best friend is hit by a bomb. What do you do?

Which of these do you think you would realistically say?

Choose one phrase/word to describe you

What was your favorite episode of Band of Brothers?

Sobel tells you to run Currahee. What happens?

Who are you honestly hoping you will get?

Bill Guarnere

Bill Guarnere

You are the best friend anyone could ask for, loyal and generous, but people should be careful: If anyone gets on the wrong side of you, they might get shot.

George Luz

George Luz

You are the funniest one, you always keep the mood light with your jokes. You don't get involved in drama and always keep your cool.

Frank Perconte

Frank Perconte

You are the angry little guy that looks innocent but will rip anyone messing with you or your friends to shreds.

Richard Winters

Richard Winters

You're always patient and calm, but you will do what you must if anyone misbehaves. You are the "Good-guy," and many people look up to you.

Lewis Nixon

Lewis Nixon

You're a good friend, you are always there and talking. You may or may not be a little alcoholic but it doesn't make people think any less of you. You have a good education and are often labeled pretentious.

Roy Cobb

Roy Cobb

You're an okay guy, but sometimes you lose your temper or get carried away (especially when you get drunk). You don't have many friends due to your spicy attitude, but in the end you will do the right thing.

Joseph Leibgott

Joseph Leibgott

You are the cool, good looking one in your group of friends. You might not be exceptionally kind or smart, but everyone likes you because of the way you act.

Buck Compton

Buck Compton

You're the nice one, the one that people can talk to. You can be very serious in hard times, but you can also be funny and light. Your friends are important to you and you are good to them.

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