Answer These Questions And We'll Tell You What Kind Of Texter You Are
Answer These Questions And We'll Tell You What Kind Of Texter You Are
Are you more of a long-form texter? Or an expressive texter? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you more of a long-form texter? Or an expressive texter? Take this quiz to find out!
Pick an emoji to use in conversation:
What kind of phone do you have?
How many times a day would you say you text someone?
What was your best subject in school?
Which smiley emoticon best describes you?
Which animal emoji is the cutest?
How do you laugh in text form?
Which background would you download for your phone?
You are a...Expressive Texter
You are a...Expressive Texter
When you text your get suuuuuper into it. You use CAPS and loooong struuuung out words to show how excited, mad, sad or happy you are. It's almost like you're RIGHT THERE talking FACE to FACE craaaaazy.
You are a...Long-Form Texter
You are a...Long-Form Texter
You're a one-shot, long-form texter. You'd rather just make your point in a few sentences than to play a game of cat and mouse waiting for the other person to respond. You value proper spelling and language and think people who use acronyms are animals.
You are a...No-Caps Texter
You are a...No-Caps Texter
You're a lazy, no-caps texter. You haven't even updated your phone to include auto-correct so all your texts are in lowercase. It makes you seem cool and unassuming to the receiver which is always a plus.
You are a...All-Emoji Texter
You are a...All-Emoji Texter
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so why use your words when you can post a plate of sushi? It obviously means you'll be there as Su-oon as you can. Duh!