What Type Of "Quarantiner" Are You?
What Type Of "Quarantiner" Are You?
Are you "The Baker"? or "The Introverted Artist"? Take this quiz and find out exactly what type of "quarantiner" you are.
Are you "The Baker"? or "The Introverted Artist"? Take this quiz and find out exactly what type of "quarantiner" you are.

Which of these items have you stocked up on the most?
What's your biggest concern once quarantine is over?
How old are you?
What's your favorite social media platform to use?
What do you spend the most time doing?
Who are you quarantined with?
What's most important for you to maintain at this time?
What's your ideal genre of TV show to watch?
You are...the baker
You are...the baker
When quarantine hit, you ordered 10 pounds of flour and never looked back. You're making all the crazy baked goods you never had the time to before. Mille-feuille, croissants, cookies, scones, fresh bread. You are definitely not hungry.
You are...the social media blaster
You are...the social media blaster
You're one of those extroverts who are still pretending they're being social and thriving despite being completely alone. All you need is those likes and you can survive another day.
You are...the introverted artist
You are...the introverted artist
You are probably one of the only people thriving right now. You've got your government check and now you're doing what you're meant to do...shack up in your room and CREATE!
You are...the paranoid hoarder
You are...the paranoid hoarder
Even though the quarantine has been going on for a while now, you've managed to maintain a full supply of all the essentials...toilet paper, sanitizer...beans...you still make trips to the grocery store and load up.
What Type Of "Quarantiner" Are You?
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