Which Iconic Sitcom Couple Are You And Your Bestie?
Which Iconic Sitcom Couple Are You And Your Bestie?
Are you guys Ross and Rachel? Or are you more of a Sheldon and Amy? Find out which iconic sitcom couple you and your bestie are with this highly accurate quiz.
Are you guys Ross and Rachel? Or are you more of a Sheldon and Amy? Find out which iconic sitcom couple you and your bestie are with this highly accurate quiz.
Which time period would you choose to live in?
What would be your catchphrase?
Where do you guys like to hang out?
How would you describe your friendship?
Which of these activities would you like to do together?
How long have you known each other for?
What do you hate the most about your best friend?
If you could compare your bestie to a celebrity? Who would it be?
You are...Ross and Rachel
You are...Ross and Rachel
Ross and Rachel are an iconic duo who are destined to be together. No matter what life throws at you guys, you always seem to get through. There's nothing you guys can't handle. You could almost say that you'll "be there" for each other...forever.
You are...Sheldon and Amy
You are...Sheldon and Amy
You guys prefer to ponder the deeper, more intellectual side of life like Sheldon and Amy. Yeah, you're socially awkward but when you're with each other...the conversation flows seamlessly.
You are...Cam and Mitchell
You are...Cam and Mitchell
You guys are full of drama and you're loving every minute! Your friendship is like a rollercoaster full of crazy emotions but it couldn't be more exciting. You guys are also always the centre of attention at parties.
You are...Eric and Donna
You are...Eric and Donna
Pinciotti and Foreman of "That 70's Show" are a classic pair. They always flirted with each other, since they were little and then got together officially as teens. They're kinda like bros and are always busting each others' balls and Donna almost always wins.
Which Iconic Sitcom Couple Are You And Your Bestie?
Which time period would you choose to live in?