How Sensitive Is Your OCD Radar?
How Sensitive Is Your OCD Radar?
To OCD free people all the following shapes look identical, but one of them is different - Are your eyes, brain and OCD radar sensitive enough to spot it?
*This test was created for amusement and is not diagnostic in any way.
To OCD free people all the following shapes look identical, but one of them is different - Are your eyes, brain and OCD radar sensitive enough to spot it?
*This test was created for amusement and is not diagnostic in any way.

Which one is different?
Which one is different?
Keep on picking the different one...
Go on...
100% OCD Sensitive
100% OCD Sensitive
You have a killer eye for spotting the tiniest, most invisible inaccuracies, errors and mistakes. And it's very important to you to correct them :)
This special combination is what makes you a perfectionist in everything you do. It's great that you want things to go the right way and always ready to fight for it, but you also need to give yourself a break sometimes. It's hard (and not always necessary) to be 100% perfect all the time.
100% OCD Free!
100% OCD Free!
Great news! You're OCD free!
You are relaxed, easy going, and whimsical. You know that life is hard enough, and you shouldn't sweat over the little things. Good for you!!
10% OCD, 90% Observant
10% OCD, 90% Observant
While you definitely have your OCD tendencies, what actually dominates your personality are your incredible observation skills.
You are very alert and have strong instincts. You are able to see and feel what others can't. You don’t miss a beat and it is hard to get much past you! We're jealous.