What Grade Is Your Brain?
What Grade Is Your Brain?
Are you a 5th grader at heart? Is your inner kindergartener dying to come out? Take this quiz to find your place in the grade school hierarchy!
Are you a 5th grader at heart? Is your inner kindergartener dying to come out? Take this quiz to find your place in the grade school hierarchy!

Pick an after-school snack.
Do you like naps?
What was your favorite childhood book?
Pick a birthday party.
Would you wear this?
On your report card, your teacher would describe you as...
Chocolate or vanilla?
What's the best part about grade school?
Most people guess that you're...
Which would you rather relive?
You got kindergarten! You’re playful, lively, and tend to live in the moment. You can sometimes be a little impatient, but you’re so vivacious that people just find you endearing. And who wouldn't want to go back to the days of afternoon naps?
1st grade
1st grade
You got the 1st grade! You’re curious and inquisitive, and you have an enormous thirst for knowledge. That being said, you’re no robot- you’d much rather explore the world for yourself than be told what to do. You’re perceptive and open-minded, allowing you to see the beauty in life. And you get to drink a lot of apple juice.
5th grade
5th grade
You belong in the 5th grade! You’re hilarious and clever, using your perceptive outlook to be both quick-witted and a little bit silly. You know when to be serious, and also when to let go a little, making you a dependable and fun friend. Good luck with geography!!
8th grade
8th grade
You belong in the 8th grade! You’re pensive and intelligent, making you passionate and emotional about the things you care about. You can also be very thoughtful and stuck in your own head, so be careful not to isolate yourself too much! Go buy some cool school supplies- you’re not too old for Crayola crayons and boy-band themed binders.
9th grade
9th grade
You belong in the 9th grade! You’re a gentle, thoughtful, and considerate person who is always trying to help others. Although you sometimes feel like you don’t know your place in the world, you should feel confident in your relationships- your selflessness is your greatest strength. And who wouldn't want to relive those pep rallies?!
12th grade
12th grade
You belong in the 12th grade! You’re a cool kid who always looks dapper. You’re pretty laid-back, and your chill attitude keeps you grounded. Still, you’re always ready to have a good time, and you’re a lot of fun at parties. Prom royalty, anyone?
College freshman
College freshman
You belong in college! You might be young at heart, but you need independence and seek adventure. College is perfect for you: you’ll get to pursue your intellectual interests, and still hit the frats every Friday night. Have fun with your laundry!