Which Disney Movie Is Based On Your Life?
Which Disney Movie Is Based On Your Life?
Find out your true happy ending!
Find out your true happy ending!

Pick your animal best friend:
Where would you like to live?
Do you prefer having a routine, or do you like being spontaneous?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you like singing out your feelings?
Do you currently keep a special collection of items? (Like stamps, books etc..)
Which Disney villain would you rather hang out with?
Pick an element you relate to:
What is your favorite book genre?
Frozen is based on your life!
You are a very adventorous and loving person. You care deeply about the people in your life, and you will do anything to keep them safe (Even if the personal cost is too much to bear). You like singing, crafting and meeting new people. People might think that you're cold, but they're wrong, you're just keeping your warmth and kindness only for the ones who really deserve it!
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!
Aladdin is based on your life!
You are funny, spontaneous, imaginative and loving. You like to get up in the morning, eat a big breakfast and just go out and see where the day takes you. You want to explore the world, see new sights and experience new cultures. Life has a way of rewarding the good ones, and your three wishes are on their way right now!
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid is based on your life!
You are a very curious and optimistic person. You're always thirsty for knowledge, you like meeting new people who can teach you new things, and nothing gets your heart beating faster than seeing a really gorgeous person and falling in love. You hate the feeling of being confined to a certain place and you will do anything you can in order to challenge yourself.
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!
Pocahontas is actually based on your life!
You live your life as a free person. You go where you want to go, you work where you choose and nobody can get you to do something you don't want to do. Seeking freedom is what drives you. You are smart, sophisticated, spiritual and welcoming. You will always stand up to help others, no matter the price. You are one of the truly good people!
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!
Cinderella is based on your life!
Once, you've felt trapped in the same boring an mundane routine, but with a little push from your friends and a lot of soul searching, you managed to rise above it and do what you REALLY want to do with your life. You are a source of inspiration, you should be really proud of yourself!
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!
The Lion King
The Lion King
The Lion King is based on your life!
You are a natural born leader. You are smart, resourceful, educated and passionate about your work and basically anything you do. You didn't have the best time growing up, but you've learned to move on from your past and channel those emotions into something positive. Spoiler: you will be the king at the end!
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!
Lady and the Tramp
Lady and the Tramp
Lady and the Tramp is based on your life!
You have a true romantic heart. You love the people in your life very much and will always look out for them. You believe in love at first sight, that good folks always win and that eating spaghetti together is just the essence of the word "perfection".
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!
Mulan is based on your life!
You are a true rebel at heart. Once you have your mind set on something, no one can stop you. You think that rules are meant to be broken, that faith and courage can always prevail and that tiny dragons are a girl's best friend. You also really value your best friends, and they mean everything to you. You're willing to sacrifice everything you have in order to help your family and friends, and that's a true act of courage in our book.
So, think this movie really is about you? Tell us in the comments!