The Beauty of Street & Grunge Wedding Photography
The Beauty of Street & Grunge Wedding Photography

The Beauty of Street & Grunge Wedding Photography
Street photography is one of the oldest forms of photo documentation. In essence, it is the way of the photojournalist; to capture moments and people without them even knowing it. Timing is everything and the photographer has to have very quick reflexes. A second later and a photo can look and mean something completely different.
At de Belle photography we must use many styles, photo retouch and means of capturing moments just like a handyman uses his tools. Nonetheless street and grunge photography is one of our favorite forms because it is a true representation of an environment.
Placement of our couples is key since light may be fragile and delicate in these settings. A decrepit area with cracks and chipped paint is simply beauty to us. We eat up all the small details like candy. Rooftops, garages, abandoned buildings, or run down streets is where we can find some of the most interesting combinations of textures, light, and moods. These locations may not be the most pleasing to the eye, especially during a wedding day, but the result can be spectacular.
After many years of publishing their cover only in black and white, Elegant Wedding has released its first color cover issue with a photo shot by the de belle team!
We are extremely happy to be featured not only on the cover of this special issue, but also inside with some interesting editorials. We will be posting these shoots after the release of the magazine, but for now check out the cover shot!
A camera needs light just like our eyes do, without it, there is simply nothing that can be seen. A photographer learns quickly how light reacts to the bride and groom when using only the available sources. If there are no external flashes being used then the shutter needs to stay open for long periods of time to soak in the light like a sponge. If the camera and or the couple moves at all, the shot needs to be redone.
Night photography is tricky without a doubt, but when a photography walks away with a powerful photo, the feeling is extremely rewarding, and as you can see below there is nothing more romantic than a beautiful night shot.