What Does Your Pet Do When You're Not Around?
What Does Your Pet Do When You're Not Around?
Sure, Fluffy and Whiskers are perfect angels when you're at home, but what about when you aren't?
Sure, Fluffy and Whiskers are perfect angels when you're at home, but what about when you aren't?

Plot World Domination.
Plot World Domination.
You have a cat, don't you? Let's be real, if a dog is plotting to take over the planet, that pup has been hanging out with a feline at some point recently. Either way, keep an eye out for your furry (or feathered, or scaly?) friend - they may have plans bigger than you realize. Stay on their good side; it's probably for the best.
Rehearse A Karaoke Act.
Rehearse A Karaoke Act.
You may have heard some murmurs of this, whether some whistles from a bird or maybe some melodic mrowing or howling from a four legged friend, but you just wait. Your pet may be making it to the big-times sooner than you realize. Remember those dogs barking Jingle Bells from back in the day? Fido could be next!
Eat Any Food Available.
Eat Any Food Available.
Don't act like you haven't noticed some snacks going missing. Maybe you blamed it on your roommate or significant other at the time but think about it. Really, really think about it. Could they really have done what you accused them of? Let's be real, it's doubtful. Deep down, you know your pet is trickier than you realized. You may want to find a better hiding place for noms in the future.
Create A Pillow Fort
Create A Pillow Fort
If you think about it, the more impressive part of this is getting it all cleaned up before you come home. It's not easy for a little four-legged critter (unless you have a crazy-talented bird) to do this, let alone remove all evidence that it ever happened. Sometime, try building a pillow fort for you and your pet when you're actually home for some bonding opportunities.
Elect A Leader
Elect A Leader
If you don't have multiple pets, there's a chance your critter has joined forces with neighbor-animals. If you do have more than one pet, try to sneak around a bit and see which of them has become the de-facto leader. Take note who gets the bigger bed or the choice cuts of food. There's been a movement while you've been out of the house. You may have even been ousted as master. Tread carefully, my friend. Tread carefully.
Steal The Valuables
Steal The Valuables
This may be most accurate if you have a smaller animal sharing your space. Lock up all yo' valuables. You never know what your shifty animal friend may be up to and how skilled they've gotten at lifting your things. Maybe they're pawning the items for better kibble or shinier toys. It may be time for an intervention.