Which Halloween Candy Best Describes You Around The Holiday?
Which Halloween Candy Best Describes You Around The Holiday?
There are always a few standouts: so which of these Halloween staples are you?
There are always a few standouts: so which of these Halloween staples are you?

Candy Corn
Candy Corn
You're all over the place when it comes to Halloween. You're somehow everywhere and doing everything, even when you're exhausted. You truly love Halloween, though not everyone around you shares your emotions towards the holidays. It's a mixed bag sometimes, but you'll be present at any party you can find, decked out in your finest costume.
Reese's Pumpkin
Reese's Pumpkin
You are considered the go-to of your friend group when it comes to Halloween. You're able to find the best parties, the greatest costumes and the finest deals on decor and candy. You go all out but you're able to keep things in check when need be. Everyone loves when you show up to events and know you'll probably take top prize in the costume contest.
You're a sneaky one when it comes to the holiday! You don't always show your Halloween spirit to everyone you know, but when the day comes around, you're all in. You may have been planning your costume out quietly for months, or maybe you've been silently combing the internet for the best events to attend, but it's always a fun surprise when it's holiday time!
Fun-Sized Chocolate Bar
Fun-Sized Chocolate Bar
You're one of the crowd when it comes to the Halloween season. You'll gladly go along with a group costume or a party plan but you won't be at the forefront of any spooky ideas. You'll be up for whatever and be a solid presence in whatever is done, but you'll leave the spotlight for someone else. Either way, you'll get the most out of your holiday.
You tend to stick to the classics when it comes to Halloween. You prefer haunted houses and monster costumes to bar crawls and trendy, of-the-moment cover-ups. If you can't find something you're truly into, you'll gladly don a Dracula or ghost get-up and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters that may come to your door - an oldie but a goody!
Tootsie Roll
Tootsie Roll
You actually hate Halloween and just see it as a sign that the rest of the holiday season is well underway. You're not a fan at all and just wish all the costumes and spooky decor would go away all ready. Pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating are not in any way your cup of tea, but it's okay, fall is filled with so many other options for you to appreciate.