How Much Southern Charm Do You Have?
How Much Southern Charm Do You Have?
We bet it's a lot!
We bet it's a lot!
Which awesome Southern city would you most like to live in?
What would you do if someone was trying to get your goat?
What is the greatest thing about living in the South?
True or false: It is good manners to show up for a dinner party a few minutes early.
How often do you call people "sir" or "ma'am?"
What do you think about the Confederate flag?
True or false: It is creepy to say hello to strangers that you cross paths with.
Which diagram illustrates that you are done with your meal?
Finally, pick a famous Southerner.
100% Southern Charm
100% Southern Charm
You're a bonafide Southern belle or gentleman! You make sure to pour someone an ice cold sweet tea the second they grace your home, and they instantly feel your hospitality. You're kind to strangers and friends equally, and you always have a nice word to say about everyone. You're a staple of the community, and they are lucky to have you!
80% Southern Charm
80% Southern Charm
You're just a tad rough around the edges, aren't ya? You're well versed in the ways of Southern etiquette, but sometimes you prefer to just be yourself. You might clutch your pearls, and act all prim and proper when the occasion is right. But no one should undermine your ability to roll up your sleeves and give 'em a taste of their own medicine.
50% Southern Charm
50% Southern Charm
You're proud of your Southern background, and your momma raised you right. That being said, you're not above setting someone who looks at you cross-eyed right. And you definitely know how to get 'em where it hurts. And just because you know all the genteel ways of proper etiquette doesn't mean you don't like eating with your hands sometimes too. Life is about having fun after all!
100% Yankee
100% Yankee
You're from the North and you're proud! We don't say hello to strangers and we don't put as much effort into our hospitality. You've never even had a sip of sweet tea in your life, and you don't intend to! You like being rough around the edges, and you come from a long tradition of people who don't put on airs.