Which Book Thief Character Are You?

Kathy Lin
Created by Kathy Lin(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 4, 2018
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what do you like to do when you are having a break?

your personality...

what will you do if your friend gets in trouble?

play or read

when everyone was doing the wrong things, will you still do the right things?



you are the one who deeply loves her family and friends. You have a strong personal moral code, and is not afraid to endanger yourself to enforce it.



You have surprising sensitivity and compassion. One of your hobbies is sports and you love to move around. You're outgoing and you deeply care about your loved ones.



Your main personality trait is caring. You always put yourself in the shoes of others and care about others. You're charming and personable.



Your language is mean but your heart is kind. You just don't know how to express for feeling and emotion.



You are creative and view life as an art. There are highs and lows in life, but you know just how to get you and your loved ones through it. You have a kind soul.

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