Which Fairy Talent Are You?

Have you ever wondered what fairy talent you are? Then you went to the right place! Please answer the questions honestly or it will not show your true fairy talent. Let's get started!

Created by KathySmooX (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 23, 2016

First of all, what is your favorite color?

How would you describe yourself?

Pick your favorite flower image out of these

Pick your favorite animal image out of these

Pick your favorite light image out of these

What do you do in your spare time?

All done! Thank you for trying out my quiz!

The Love Fairy

The Love Fairy

You are The Love Fairy! You control friendship, family love, and romance. You have the ability to make others fall in love! Love fairies are mostly active, outgoing, and very kind. Any boy would fall for you. Congrats!

The Night Fairy

The Night Fairy

You are The Night Fairy! You control the moon, stars, and the night sky. You are in charge of keeping time right with The Day Fairy. Which makes you two besties! Night fairies are ambitious, friendly (If they're mad, they can sometimes be a little evil), and wise. Congrats!

The Nature Fairy

The Nature Fairy

You are The Nature Fairy! You control trees and plants. Nature fairies like to be peaceful and calm. Congrats!

The Day Fairy

The Day Fairy

You are The Day Fairy! You control the sun, fire, and the bright sky. You are in charge of keeping time right with The Night Fairy. Which makes you two besties! Day Fairies are kind, funny, and love attention. Congrats!

The Water Fairy

The Water Fairy

You are The Water Fairy! You have the ability to make water into shapes, make waves, and create whirlpools. You can also breathe underwater! Water Fairies tend to be creative. Congrats!

The Music Fairy

The Music Fairy

You are The Music Fairy! You control how music will sound. Music Fairies love to play instruments, sing, and dance. You are talented and love to show off your skills. Congrats!

The Animal Fairy

The Animal Fairy

You are The Animal Fairy! You are in charge of helping animals and take care of them. Animal fairies are well, basically, animal lovers! You are playful, kind, and really fun to hangout with! Congrats!

The Winter Fairy

The Winter Fairy

You are The Winter Fairy! You control cold weather, snow, and wind. You are in charge of the season, Winter. Winter fairies are grateful and warm-hearted. Congrats!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021