What Harry Potter Character Are You?
What Harry Potter Character Are You?
Find out what harry potter character you are. It might not be very accurate as I'm new so.
Find out what harry potter character you are. It might not be very accurate as I'm new so.

If you saw this dog on the street what would you do?
What would you do if there was a situation like this?
What would you do?
Pick an outfit of your gender
what girl/boy do you prefer?
Do you believe in Myths?
What House do you think you'll be in?
Would you give your life to others?
Which of these options suit your personality?
You are Hermione Granger! You are crazy smart and have a solution for pretty much everything. You are pretty, and brave. You study a lot and do well on tests, your also a master at magic. You are also ready for an adventure when it comes. Sometime you can be stubborn but that's what makes you special! You are Hermione Granger!
You are Ron Weasley! You are gullible sometimes but have a great sense of humor! You tend to break things and is enthusiastic and reckless. You can be a coward at some times but find a hint of courage in every situation. You are Ron Weasley!
You are a brave, kind-hearted person with a lot of caring for others. You are a person that everyone wants to be friends with. You enjoy the spotlight sometimes but it could also be hard for you to have everyone's attention.
Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
You are Draco Malfoy! You are not afraid of anything and you like to cause trouble. You are popular and known for worshiping he who must not be named. You hold dark secrets and believe it or not you have a bit of good in you somewhere deep inside. You are also good will the one spell: Avada Kedavra! ( Killing Spell ). You are Draco Malfoy!