What Pope Are You Most Like?
What Pope Are You Most Like?
Pope Pius X to Pope John Paul II
Pope Pius X to Pope John Paul II
Have you lost a lot of loved ones (who didn't die of natural causes)?
How do you feel about birth control?
How would you react in a time of crisis?
How good with technology are you?
How do you feel about applying science to other matters of life?
Do you feel strongly about widespread education to people of all ages?
When you see something that needs change, do you attempt to fix it?
Do you stand up for people?
What is your zodiac sign?
Do you start projects with the plan to complete them?
Pope Pius X
Pope Pius X
You care about the education of others, like Pope Pius X. You wish to start education and faith at a young age, and you want education and Catholicism to be wide spread and actively practiced. However, you oppose modernism.
Pope Benedict XV
Pope Benedict XV
As Pope Benedict XV, you try and try to bring about peace, but it just seems like people aren't listening to you or your plans aren't working! You help people get back to their homes and you strive for peace.
Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XI
Like Pope Pius XI, you enjoy all new sorts of technology and try to incorporate it into your life, such as the Vatican radio and modernizing the Vatican library. You are against oppression such as racism, anti-Semitism, and totalitarianism. You want to share your ideas with other people in a respectful way, and you want to protect people of all religions. You have many good ideas and have planted the seeds for later things that will bring about your ideas.
Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII
You try to remain neutral in the face of oppression to keep the peace among your entire group, but you work for justice behind the scenes. You open up your home as a sanctuary for anyone who needs to escape something, and you set up things, such as the Pontifical Aid Commission, to bring relief to victims.
Pope John XXIII
Pope John XXIII
Like John XXIII, you want to modernize the Church and set standards for today's Catholics. You want to have an ecumenical discussion and ask for the opinions and suggestions of people from all walks of life.
Pope Paul VI
Pope Paul VI
Like Pope Paul VI, you find finishing the work of others, such as Vatican II. You want marriage to be available to people of all religions. However, you are against any things associate with unnatural death, such as abortion, sterilization, and birth control. You care about the elderly, and you want to set restrictions for them (such as retiring from the College of Cardinals at age 80 and only allowing a maximum of 120 cardinals into the College at a time) so they do not feel obligated to continue working so hard.
Pope John Paul I
Pope John Paul I
Like Pope John Paul I, you have revolutionary ideas. You have some things to say about abortion and birth control, but you haven't had the chance. John Paul I was the second person to be pope during the year of 1978.
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II
You are a devout person who would do anything for their faith. You may join an underground church to begin your studies to be ordained (Ark Church). You would do anything for your faith. You may have lost some people important to you, and because of this, you are against all things that artificially end life and prevent it from happening. You try to reconcile with people who your family members of loved ones have wronged.