What Pokemon Starter are you?
What Pokemon Starter are you?
My second quiz! ☺ Will you make it the best? Do this quiz to find out what amazing Pokemon Starter you are in the Hoenn, Kalos, and Kanto region! (SORRY, Mudkip didn't make it on the list.) This isn't just because you picked a starter on the quiz, I promise. (5-7)
My second quiz! ☺ Will you make it the best? Do this quiz to find out what amazing Pokemon Starter you are in the Hoenn, Kalos, and Kanto region! (SORRY, Mudkip didn't make it on the list.) This isn't just because you picked a starter on the quiz, I promise. (5-7)

Well, let's start things off a bit hard. Text one of your friends or ask them, "What word would you describe me as?"
What type is your favorite?
What's your weakness?
What's your favorite starter in Pokemon XY?
What about the good old LeafGreen and FireRed?
What about Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire?
You're the love of the party! Fennikin brings cheer, and love to everybody she's by and Chespin even has a crush on her sometimes in the anime! Anyways, if you ever play XYZ, this pokemon is the most like you, and you should totally pick her!
Froakie is the powerful protection of the group. Froakie always wants to protect the other Pokemon in the group, and he becomes an OP ninja called Greninja in its final evelution. Just don't use this power for the bad, alright?
Chespin is a cute little guy, but watch out with those goodies! He always wants to steal them, even if it makes him have a fat stomach. Anyways, Chespin is still very powerful, and becomes a good Pokemon hunter, as in the anime, and is an amazing, playful, Pokemon.
The mighty beast Charmander is the fire Pokemon in the Kanto Region, as most of you probably already know. Charmander is playful, and doesn't like being left alone. Sooner or later, Charmander will become into the powerful, god, beast, Charizard. Charizard can also mega evolve 2 times, Charizard X and Y. Charizard is the only Pokemon that can do this, not including Mewtwo.
Squirtle the friendly, dancing Pokemon. Dancing? Yes! He will do anything you want him to do, using the beat to the dance floor, (or the battlefield) or even just increasing accuracy and spamming Hydro Pump! Good luck Squirtle!
No, Bulbasour doesn't suck. To be honest, there wasn't a WaveBlue, was there? There was a LeafGreen! Bulbasour is an amazing Pokemon starter, curious, outgoing, and threatening. If you power up your Bulbasour, it can become an annoying status move Pokemon. Sorry Butterfree, you aren't the only one anymore.
Torchic from the Hoenn region, eh? Torchic evolves into this giant fighting fire beast who will even strike Pokemon when they're flying, if you teach him the right move. Torchic is an amazing starter, who is outgoing, cute, and friendly, and you can't ever say no to an adorable Pokemon!
Treecko is a fun little guy. Treecko can climb trees with ease, and can develop good strategies that others may not know, if you have a smart trainer. Treecko is an outgoing, cute, nice, and curious Pokemon. Train him wisely!