Only TRUE Harry Potter Fans Can Get 100% On This Quiz!!

Are you a true potterhead!? Take this fun quiz to find out!!

Created by katie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 21

The correct order of the Weasley children from YOUNGEST to oldest is:

2 / 21

The character often associated with the following statement: "I WILL HAVE ORDER!"

3 / 21

The house Luna Lovegood was in?

4 / 21

Founder of the Gryffindor house?

5 / 21

Who was present when Harry was dropped off at the Dursley's as a baby?

6 / 21

How many staircases in Hogwarts?

7 / 21

Hermione went to the Yule ball with...

8 / 21

The guards of Azkaban are called...

9 / 21

Which is NOT one of the three deathly hallows?

10 / 21

Sirius Black was killed by who?

11 / 21

What patronus does Luna have?

12 / 21

What potion did Harry win in Slughorns class during sixth year potions?

13 / 21

Who did Hermione take to Slughorn's Christmas party?

14 / 21

Who found Harry, Ron and Hermione in the woods?

15 / 21

How was Harry able to survive the underwater part of the Tri-Wizard Tournament?

16 / 21

What was Harry's first broomstick?

17 / 21

What is Dumbledore's full name?

18 / 21

What did Dumbledore leave Hermione in his will?

19 / 21

What is Tonk's full name?

20 / 21

Who helps Harry, Ron and Hermione break into Hogwarts?

21 / 21

Where did Harry's parents live?

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021