What book character are you?
What book character are you?
Are you from Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, The Selection, Harry Potter, Narina, or Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow hunters.
Are you from Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, The Selection, Harry Potter, Narina, or Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow hunters.

What would you describe yourself as?
What do you usually wear?
What are you talented at?
Do you get jealous easily?
What's your favorite color?
What would you do if someone snuck up behind you with a knife?
What's your favorite food?
How many friends do you have?
Are you tough?
Which is your favorite book out of these?
Where do you usually go out to eat?
How old are you?
What does your hair look like?
What transportation do you use on your way to work/school.
Which person most looks like you (doesn't have to be your gender)?
Katniss Everdeen
Katniss Everdeen
Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games!!! You're brave, cunning, and intelligent. You can do anything you try. You are totally awesome!!!!! You don't like people telling you what to do.
Tris Prior
Tris Prior
You're Tris Prior from Divergent!!!! Congrats! You're kind, intelligent, and brave. You have many nature talents. You don't apply to rules, and you don't like people telling you what to do.
Thomas from The Maze Runner!!!! You're intelligent, funny, and fast. You're also extremely creative. You can solve any problem the world puts in front of you.
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Yeah!!!!!! Percy Jackson!!!! You're brave, resourceful, funny, and loyal. You're awesome. You're also a natural born leader.
America Singer
America Singer
America Singer from Selection!!!!! You're determined, funny, and a bit of a rebel. You do what you want when you want it.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!! You're brave, cunning, funny. You're also extremely powerful. You can deal through any hard issue. You are an amazing leader!!!!!!
Edmund Pevenise
Edmund Pevenise
Edmund Pevenise from Narnia!!!!!! You're cunning, funny, and creative. You're follow the powerful knowing it will reward you. You're also amazing at sports.
Clary Fairchild
Clary Fairchild