Are you ready for tween love???
Are you ready for tween love???
Calling all tween girls: Are you going on your first date? Nervous about a boy? Take this quiz to see if you're ready for love... for tween love.
Calling all tween girls: Are you going on your first date? Nervous about a boy? Take this quiz to see if you're ready for love... for tween love.

You see your crush walking down the hall, what do you do?
Your crush wants to hang out with you after school. What is your response?
During one of your sports games/performances/extracurricular activities, you see your crush has come to watch. What is your reaction?
You and your crush are planning your first date. Where do you want to go?
Do you talk to boys on a regular basis?
You are given a school project which requires you to be in a group with just you and your crush. How do you feel?
Valentine's Day is coming up, and you want to drop a hint for your crush about your feelings for him. How do you do it?
You're at the school dance with your girlfriends and a slow dance comes on. You see that your crush doesn't have a date, and doesn't have anyone to dance with. What do you do?
You are a mature, sensible, and confident tweenage girl, who is ready to find love. So go out and get 'cho boy!
You know what you want, but aren't quite sure how you'll get there. Try to boost your confidence level even more! Guys love girls who are selfassured.
You aren't quite ready to take the plunge into a relationship. Try to be more confident around that special person, and don't be afraid to start a conversation with your crush, even if only to get to know him better. Good luck!