Which Friend are You?
Which Friend are You?
Find out your position in the Squad.
Find out your position in the Squad.
When one of your Squad tells a lame joke, your response is...
Do you talk to your friends outside of school (Skype, Facebook, etc.)
What's your favourite colour?
When your friends need a house for the Big Sleepover, do you volunteer?
Are you often invited to stuff your friends plan?
In your Squad, are you...
Where does your Squad rate on the social ladder?
The Leader
The Leader
So... you're the leader. It's a good position to have, but you want to make sure you don't get too controlling. Your friends obviously respect and love you, so make sure you keep that. Don't change it just because of your position.
The Fake One
The Fake One
It's true. From what you've answered, you appear to be the one who likes to dominate, and you do this by grabbing all the attention. Although your friends don't appear to mind, maybe you could change this. Be yourself. After all, what are friends for?
The Listener
The Listener
It's a good thing to be. Obviously people trust you, and like you enough to tell you important stuff. Maybe, if you want to be noticed, don't be afraid to step things up. Speak more, rather than listen.
The Fun One
The Fun One
When in doubt.... party! Lucky you, you got the fun friend. You're the one everyone goes to when they need a boost, or a good time. Just make sure your fun-loving spirit doesn't rule your head.
Just there for convenience
Just there for convenience
Unfortunately, you don't really seem to be into the friendship. It appears you either don't like your Squad, or you're just there for convenience. Maybe try getting some new friends?
The Good Advice Giver
The Good Advice Giver
You are the one is your Squad is is confident, friendly and approachable. As well as this, you are the designated advice giver; you give the best advice that always works. Well done you!