Which Hamilton Character Are You?
Which Hamilton Character Are You?
Are you Hamilton himself or could you be Aaron Burr?
Are you Hamilton himself or could you be Aaron Burr?

Are you smart?
What is your dream job?
What is most important to you?
Are you attractive?
What gender are you?
Are you more introverted or extroverted?
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
You got Alexander Hamilton, the forgotten ten dollar founding father without a father! You must be really bold with strong opinions. One of your most dominant traits is that you're convincing. Make sure your boldness doesn't get you in trouble by learning from Hamilton's mistakes! You're the star of the show! Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr
You got Aaron Burr! You may have wanted Alexander Hamilton, but Burr isn't bad. Besides for being Vice President, you were an extremely successful lawyer, maybe better than Hamilton. You are very persuasive, so use your skills wisely! Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
Elizabeth "Eliza" Hamilton
Elizabeth "Eliza" Hamilton
You got Elizabeth "Eliza" Hamilton! She is a beautiful young woman who lived over 100 years! She loved giving back! She established the first public orphanage in New York. Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
Angelica Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
You got Angelica Schuyler! She loved Hamilton, but despite not marrying him, she still kept in touch. She was beautiful, and extremely close to Eliza. Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
You got Thomas Jefferson! Slightly self centered, smart, opinionated like Hamilton, and generally all around hated by Federalists, you believe strongly in France, and the ideals of America, which you made up. You even get to be president! Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
King George
King George
You got King George! King George is the king who was dumped by the Americans. He is ruthless and unfair. Also, he is a great singer and comedian, so we'll see what happens! Also, you may have an extreme urge to take over countries. Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
Cannot Predict Now
Cannot Predict Now
Sorry, either you are a mix or just clicked I don't know each time. Try again later! Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!
George Washington
George Washington
You got George Washington! A natural born leader, Washington was not only president but a very important army general during the revolution. Forever a Hamilton fan, he was passionate and unafraid to take risks. Did we get it right? Tell us in the comments!