Can You Pass The Dyslexia Test?
Can You Pass The Dyslexia Test?
Can you unscramble these 15 words without a single mistake?
Can you unscramble these 15 words without a single mistake?
You could be DYSLEXIC.
You could be DYSLEXIC.
Based on this test, you could potentially be prone to dyslexia. You likely struggle with reading or writing in some aspects of your life. You often make spelling mistakes and misuse words. You avoid reading long articles and find reading books quite boring. Despite these limitations, you are very creative and have a wonderfully vivid imagination. Jobs you'd excel in are filmmaking, architecture, and engineering.
You DO NOT have dyslexia.
You DO NOT have dyslexia.
You do not have dyslexia. You have exceptional reading and writing skills. You are very wise beyond your years and you have an extraordinary memory. You are incredibly articulate and eloquent. You enjoy public speaking and creative writing. You would make a wonderful lawyer, teacher, or novelist.