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This Color Blot Test Will Determine Your Dominant Personality Trait

For each image, pick which word first comes to your mind.

Kayla Walters
Created by Kayla Walters
On Nov 19, 2015

Which word would you pick to describe this ink blot?

Which word would you pick to describe this ink blot?



According to your color blot associations, your most dominant personality trait is your humor. You have a colorful outlook on life and you never take things too seriously. You believe in silver linings and always try to make light out of the situation. You are the jokester who loves making people laugh. In the past, you’ve gotten in trouble for your sometimes inappropriate sense of humor, but you haven’t let that stop you. You use comedy to diffuse awkward situations (great for first dates) and you’ve got the best snarky comebacks and witty one-liners!



According to your color blot associations, your most dominant personality trait is your intelligence. You are extremely intuitive and knowledgeable. You always think with your head first. You have excellent critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. You are very practical and profound. You are also a really hard-worker. You give 110% in everything you do. Perhaps it’s your perfectionism, but you are never completely satisfied. You always want to be better and do better.



According to your color blot associations, your most dominant personality trait is your compassion. You are very in touch with your feelings and the feelings of others. You are understanding, kind, empathetic, and supportive. You believe in the goodness of mankind. As a result, you are the type of person who forgives and doesn’t hold grudges. You look at the world with positivity and love. You’re a philanthropic who loves to give back to your community. Lending a helping hand is what you do best.



According to your color blot associations, your most dominant personality trait is your independence. You are a spontaneous adventure-seeker. You are a dare-devil who loves to try new things. You live your own life without worrying what other people think. You’re a dreamer and a free-spirit. You are a unique non-conformist. You love pushing the boundaries of the norm and experimenting outside of your comfort zones. You’ve travelled to many places because you don’t like staying in the same spot for too long. Your wanderlust and restlessness sometimes worry your friends and family, but assure them that you are just pursuing your dreams.



According to your color blot associations, your most dominant personality trait is your confidence. You have very high self-esteem, and you’re proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Be careful, you sometimes walk the fine line between confidence and cockiness. You are an ambitious individual who sees everything as an opportunity. You are competitive and you like to be the best. You know what you want, you know your strengths, and you know your weakness. You are also not afraid to make mistakes. Failure makes you stronger. You don’t quit because of minor setbacks. If you fall down, you get right back up. Every time.



According to your color blot associations, your most dominant personality trait is your sociability. You are very friendly, open-minded, easy-going, and charismatic. You have a contagious smile and an infectious personality. People just flock to you. You are vivacious and enthusiastic. You love to have a good time. You are the life of the party. You bring the fun wherever you go.

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