Which TV Funny Lady Should Be Your Galentine?
Which TV Funny Lady Should Be Your Galentine?
What's Galentine's Day? It's only best day of the year!
What's Galentine's Day? It's only best day of the year!

Which of the following sounds the most fun to you?
What's your go-to drink?
What are you ordering for brunch?
How would you describe your last relationship?
Pick a female singer to jam out to
Choose a cupcake to bake
If you did have a Valentine's date, how would you like to celebrate?
Be honest, how do you really feel about Valentine's Day?
Liz Lemon
Liz Lemon
Liz Lemon is your perfect Galentine because she gets what it's like to be single. In fact, she is the patron saint of single women. She has mastered the art of living alone and she knows what's important in life: Mozzarella sticks, pizza, and staying in more! If you're feeling bummed about love, she'll remind you that things will be fine because if need be, you can marry yourself. And when you die, you'll meet a really hot man in heaven!
Leslie Knope
Leslie Knope
Your Galentine is the one and only Leslie Knope. She knows how to throw a proper celebration for women, in fact, she coined this lady-loving holiday. You'll spend the day before Valentine's Day with Leslie eating lots of waffles and jamming out to Taylor Swift. It's a day to forget about your boy problems and focus on friendship. "Hoes before bros, uteruses before dude-erusus, ovaries before brovaries.”
Jessica Day
Jessica Day
Your Galentine is the bubbly and quirky Jessica Day! Together, you'll do girly things like drink pink wine and bake cupcakes. You two are the perfect pals because you own your awkwardness. Some of us just like being weird, ok?! You may not be a world-class flirt, but you are a first-class feminist. You stand up for what you believe in, even if that includes mixing polka dots with stripes.
Amy Schumer
Amy Schumer
You get to spend Galentine's Day laughing your ass off with Amy Schumer. She just totally gets you. She knows that food is your only true love. She prefers sweatpants over anything else. And she's real AF. She'll tell you how it is and she'll make you want to own your feminism. When you hang out with her, you'll feel empowered to stuff a burger in your face on a first date or forget about that whole dating scene and eat ice cream and wine alone instead.
Selina Meyer
Selina Meyer
Your Galentine date is the foul-mouthed Selina Meyer. She may be president but this leading lady is a lot of fun. You two are both really busy so it's hard to squeeze in a time to hang out with friends. But, on the day before V-Day, you'll reserve a spot at a trendy restaurant and drink A LOT. Once you're both a few martinis deep, you'll start gossiping about your coworkers, complaining about life, offending your waiter, and you'll make sure to give that catcaller a piece of his mind.
Mindy Lahiri
Mindy Lahiri
Valentine's Day is totally overrated, and if there's one girl that shares your feelings on the holiday, it's Mindy. Relationships are hard. Stop agonizing over marriage and your future. Live in the moment and celebrate your friendships. Spend the day celebrating your favorite girls in your life. Do everything you love like watch romantic comedies, eat sour straws, and have a fierce dance party to Beyonce.