QUIZ: Which Disney’s Zootropolis character are you?
QUIZ: Which Disney’s Zootropolis character are you?
Are you more like Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, or Officer Clawhauser? It’s time to find out in our fun Zootopia personality quiz!
Are you more like Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, or Officer Clawhauser? It’s time to find out in our fun Zootopia personality quiz!
What's your dream job?
Pick a colour:
Pick a themesong for your life:
Which Disney princess do you relate to the most?
Predator... or prey?
Would you prefer to watch a sunrise, or sunset?
Which social media site is your favourite?
What's your tipple at breakfast time?
Which word do you feel describes you best?
Which stereotypical high school clique did YOU fit into?
Pick a dessert:
Which of the following book franchises is your favourite?
Officer Judy Hopps
Officer Judy Hopps
You’re a big dreamer, with a LOT of energy and bucket-loads of optimism. More importantly, you’d do anything to help the people you love - and to make the world a better place for everybody. N’aww! Don’t ever let anyone step on your dreams, you clever little bunny!
Nick Wilde
Nick Wilde
You ooze confidence, charm, and cleverness from every orifice - and your sense of humour is DEFINITELY on the sarcastic side. You’re also selfless, loyal and very, very brave; definitely a friend we’d like to call on in times of trouble!
Mr Big
Mr Big
You’ve overcome a troubled past to get where you are today - and it’s for this reason that you’re such a strong believer in the values of respect, determination, and family. If someone crosses you (or those you love) then there will be hell to pay, as you’re a merciless adversary. But, if you welcome someone into your inner circle, they’ll find that you’re very kind, highly hospitable, and affectionate.
Chief Bogo
Chief Bogo
Hard-working and honourable, you’re a no-nonsense realist, who can often come across as stern or blunt when giving advice to others. However you’re also very supportive, a strong ally, and unafraid to admit when you’re in the wrong. And, for those who know you best, you’re very playful, with a VERY cheeky sense of humour! All hail, Chief Bogo!
You may seem shy and retiring on the outside, but you're SO much more than just another hard worker at the Zootropolis Department for Mammal Vehicles! You’re charming, very witty, and very sociable - no wonder everyone wants to be pals with Flash, Flash, the Hundred Yard Dash, eh?
Officer Clawhauser
Officer Clawhauser
As Clawhauser, you are incredibly innocent, cheerful, and accepting - and you’re always willing to show kindness and respect to people, even when they aren’t prepared to do the same to you. You’re a big fan of pop culture (and donuts!), and are likely to be found getting excited over the next app or big single from Gazelle. And, most of all, you’re very loveable; no wonder you have so many pals!