QUIZ: Which Of The Worst Witch Girls Are You?
QUIZ: Which Of The Worst Witch Girls Are You?
Are you a Mildred Hubble, Maud Moonshine or Ethel Hallow? Time to find out with our magical personality quiz!
Are you a Mildred Hubble, Maud Moonshine or Ethel Hallow? Time to find out with our magical personality quiz!
What was your favourite subject at your boring, non-magical school?
And which magical subject would you most like to try at Cackle's Academy?
Which positive word do you feel describes you best?
And which of THESE words do you feel describes you best?
Which of the following is your favourite witchy colour?
Which Disney princess do you relate to the most?
What role do you play in your friendship group?
How would you most like to spend your weekend?
Which witch's accessory would you be most excited about?
What would you name your kitten?
Which moon phase do you find the most magical?
Which potion would you most like to brew?
Would you prefer to watch a sunrise, or sunset?
Which of the following women do you find most inspiring?
Which of the following three qualities do you find the MOST important in a friend?
Enid Nightshade
Enid Nightshade
The embodiment of chaos contained, you’re playful, funny, more than a little eccentric and a total troublemaker - especially when it comes to tricks and practical jokes! Despite this, you’re very friendly and kind-hearted… which is probably why a) you’re the life of the party, and b) so many of your friends are willing to put up with your harebrained schemes.
Maud Moonshine
Maud Moonshine
You are decent, considerate, and the voice of reason amongst your friends. You’re also (usually!) very gentle, but you definitely have a fiery side - especially when it comes to sticking up for your fellow witches. In short, you’re an amazing witch, and an amazing friend; no wonder so many people call on you in times of trouble, eh?
Mildred Hubble
Mildred Hubble
It’s official; you’re Mildred Hubble - and that means you’re (in the nicest possible way) a walking disaster! From running late, to almost destroying the potion lab, to crashing your broomstick into Miss Hardbroom, your clumsiness is the buck of many jokes - and it has left you lacking in self confidence. But don’t worry TOO much about it, because you’re also trusting, adventurous, tenacious, creative and very good-hearted. In short? You’re the sort of witch everyone wants in their coven!
Ethel Hallow
Ethel Hallow
You’re hardworking, very smart, very talented, and VERY lucky - which is probably why you’re one of Cackle’s Academy’s best students. But, if we’re being completely honest, you’re also bossy and a bit of a princess about things. Hey, if it works for you, it works... but maybe try to be a little less cruel to Mildred, yeah?
Ruby Cherrytree
Ruby Cherrytree
You’re a total bookworm and a bit of a brainbox, which means that you’re always able to find a solution to everyone’s problems. Or, you know, at least try. While you’re a bit quieter than most, you’re the sort of witch that is VERY bubbly and funny when she comes out of her shell - and a true and loyal friend. Win!
Jadu Wali
Jadu Wali
You’re definitely the sensible one in your coven of witches - and, as such, you’ve become the mother of your friendship group. When they’re all squabbling around the cauldron, you’re the democratic one that smooths things over and gets them all to make up - and, in times of trouble, you’re definitely the one they all turn to. No wonder you were made school prefect at Cackle’s Academy Of Witches, eh?