What Type Of 5sos Fangirl Are You?
What Type Of 5sos Fangirl Are You?
Are you the emotional, the fake fan, or another? Find out and take the test!!
Are you the emotional, the fake fan, or another? Find out and take the test!!
Pick a color.
Who's your favorite member?
Pick one.
Favorite fetus 5sos song?
Is it hi or hey?
Favorite "Don't Stop" character?
Pick a food.
Emotional Fan
Emotional Fan
Your the emotional fan who cried if you see them, or if you notice that they're growing up too fast, or they just posted a really good music video. Your really dedicated to this band, and no body can tell you that your not because they're your babies. Keep loving them because someday you'll meet them. ;)
Fake Fan
Fake Fan
Oh wait do you know that song "Underwear", because your a fake fan. You like the blonde one and think the one with colorful hair is ugly. Don't worry 5 es oh es is too full anyway. Bye ;)
Obsessive Fan
Obsessive Fan
Your the fan that has every piece of merch there is. You know everything about them, plus 100, and your determined to know more. You follow all of their social medias, and have 2 fan accounts for them. Nothing can stop you from loving them because YOU ARE DETERMINED!! ;)
Crazy Fan
Crazy Fan
Your the crazy fan. Nothing really to say about this. You would throw someone out of a 20 story building if they said one of the members was ugly or if you were never going to meet them. But nothing special. Lol.
Old Fan
Old Fan
You got the old fan!! You've been here from the start, and haven't turned on them since. You aren't rude to any of the fans, and love your fandom. You are one of the nicest people to be around, and you NEED to meet them!! They'd love you!!