Only 1 In 50 People Can Pass This IQ Test, Can You?
Only 1 In 50 People Can Pass This IQ Test, Can You?
Test your intelligence?!
Test your intelligence?!

How much money did Ahmed and John have
between them before John’s win?
Which two options come next?
What comes next?
Which word in brackets is opposite in meaning to the word in capitals?
How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 70 minutes ago it was four times as many minutes past 9 am?
Which is the missing square?
Downwards is to prostrate as upwards is to:
Choose the right answer!
What number should replace the question mark?
What comes next?
How many lines appear inside the heptagon?
Which one of the five is least like the other four?
Which is the odd one out?
If all Bloops are Razzies and all Razzies are Lazzies, then are all Bloops definitely Lazzies?
Which is the odd one out?
What comes next?
What comes next?
What number should replace the question mark?
How much does he weigh?
What letter should replace the question mark?
You're in the 49
You're in the 49
Like most of this IQ quiz takers, you don't pass the test. Don't worry though, in 50 people, 49 can't pass this test, and note that is hard, so you're not alone!
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A+ You're that 1
A+ You're that 1
You're basically a genius! Other 49 people can't pass this IQ test, but you're the 1 in 50 who can pass it. Our congratulations!
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