Pick a Color and We’ll Tell You How Old You Are Inside
Pick a Color and We’ll Tell You How Old You Are Inside
It's not for nothing that people often say age is just a number. The chances are you've met elderly people who still have an incredible amount of energy and optimism, and young people who just want peace and quiet.
We at Bright Side recommend you give this unusual test a go to find out your inner age. Of course, the test doesn't come without a dose of humor, so don't take it too seriously. So, let's go!
It's not for nothing that people often say age is just a number. The chances are you've met elderly people who still have an incredible amount of energy and optimism, and young people who just want peace and quiet.
We at Bright Side recommend you give this unusual test a go to find out your inner age. Of course, the test doesn't come without a dose of humor, so don't take it too seriously. So, let's go!

Always pick the brighter shade!
Pick the brighter shade of red:
Go on...
Pick the brighter shade of red:
Continue picking the brighter shade...
Go on...
Pick the brighter shade of yellow:
Go on...
Pick the brighter shade of yellow:
Go on...
Go on...
Good job! Now pick the brighter shade of blue:
Pick the brighter shade of blue:
Go on...
Pick the brightest blue:
Finally, the last picture.
You are 6 Years Old
You are 6 Years Old
You are the tender emotional age of 6.
You usually find yourself most fulfilled when you're in the company of your own gender. However, that doesn't stop you from expressing yourself in an independent and conversational manner. You like to test the boundaries of yourself and others, generally pushing aside the possibility for consequences and potential risks. What we love about your emotional age is that you're never embarrassed and always act true to form without shame.
90% of people can't pass this spelling test. Can you?
You are 36 Years Old
You are 36 Years Old
You are the emotional age of 36.
You're an all-around mature person, eager to teach others. While you continue to grow in a personal sense, you manage to do so congruently with others. At this particular emotional age, you're at a place in your life where you are ready to settle down and build a home (or maybe you already have) and truly appreciate the many milestones that life has to offer in their own specific shapes and forms.
90% of people can't pass this spelling test. Can you?
You are 25 Years Old!
You are 25 Years Old!
Your age is 25!
In an emotional sense, you are 25 years old. You are officially an adult who has begun to take responsibility more so than you have in the past. The way you perceive and comprehend new information at this emotional age has a larger significance to you now as you feel intrigued and motivated by things that never sparked your attention before. Everything is still exciting when you feel 25, but just exciting enough to keep your feet on the ground with such big aspirations.
90% of people can't pass this spelling test. Can you?
You are 65 Years Old
You are 65 Years Old
Emotionally, you are 65 years old!
You are wise and experienced. Some may even say that having this specific emotional age allows you to maintain a zen-like nature, complete with calm and tranquility. You've made mistakes and learned from them, and one of life's greatest lessons has taught you to take everything with a grain of salt. You have a talent for passing along your developed thought process, making an impact on everyone around you, who in turn become enamored with your well-thought out ideas and opinions.
90% of people can't pass this spelling test. Can you?