What 5-Letter Word Describes You Perfectly?
What 5-Letter Word Describes You Perfectly?
Ever wondered what 5-letter word sums you up perfectly? We'll ask you 10 questions to find out. Have fun!
Ever wondered what 5-letter word sums you up perfectly? We'll ask you 10 questions to find out. Have fun!

What is the best way to learn about something?
When you see someone crying, you...
Which applies most to you?
Which insect would you rather be?
Do you prefer books or movies...
What's better?
Do you consider yourself a good liar?
An intense eye contact is...
You feel most at peace when it's...
Lastly, how often do people tell you that you're funny?
To say you understand people and care for others charitably would be an understatement. You are the kind of gem that people spend years trying to find. A deeply compassionate soul, you love and help others altruistically. You have a genuine affection that is easily recognizable and highly commendable. And you truly stay loyal to those whom you love. Honestly, we'd all want nothing more than to have more of you in this world!
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Has anyone ever told you how wonderful you are? You have been an unsung hero for so many people in your life. You've done great things without ever asking for a return. You not only stand up for what you believe in, but you also stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. You respect those who have different perspectives. That qualities that most of us lack, you have maintained gracefully. It's not far-fetched to say you've already won at life!
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You have a special aura and a subtle down-to-earth attitude that can captivate the rest of us after we've set our eyes on you. Your charm is astoundingly magnetizing. Plus, you have a unique style and a certain air of mystery, but a realistic attitude about the value of living life. You have a genuine affection that is easily recognizable and highly commendable. And you truly stay loyal to those whom you love. Everyone that knows you is amazed by you!
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It would be an understatement to say creativity runs deep through you. To a mind like yours, everything is like a canvas. You have the psyche of a true innovator and a visionary. But you also like to get your hands dirty! You're in the trenches, making things as you see them in your head. The world is your playground, and it will end up being better thanks to people like you!
Want to know more about yourself? Visit: http://mentalfeed.com/
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