How Well Do You Know Centennials?
How Well Do You Know Centennials?
The current generation of our nation’s youth is often referred to as centennials. They are tech innate, less idealistic and more pragmatic than their millennial predecessors, and growing up more savvy in graver times when everybody doesn’t win, their choices are limited, and success is harder to come by. Take this quiz to see just how well you know this latest generation of American youth.
The current generation of our nation’s youth is often referred to as centennials. They are tech innate, less idealistic and more pragmatic than their millennial predecessors, and growing up more savvy in graver times when everybody doesn’t win, their choices are limited, and success is harder to come by. Take this quiz to see just how well you know this latest generation of American youth.

What is the first big news event that centennials might remember from their childhoods?
Who is most likely to be a centennial's favorite singer or band?
What do centennials like to do in their spare time for fun and enjoyment?
What type of phone would a centennial most likely use?
What type of computer is a go-to for a centennial?
How many screens do centennials typically use in a day?
Which of the following social networks do centennials gravitate to more than older generations?
How important is it for centennials to understand how their charitable giving and/or involvement helps the cause?
Which is more important to centennials - giving time or giving money to charity?
How concerned are centennials that any unhealthy behaviors they engage in now will catch up to them later?
How happy are centennials typically with their overall health and weight?