Which Rent Character Are You?

In honor of RENT's 20th Anniversary tour, you can find out which character from the show best suits your personality!

Kelly Blithe
Created by Kelly Blithe(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 19, 2017

What is your favorite movie out of these options?

What would your ideal first date be?

What is your favorite musical genre?

Out of these colors, which one is your favorite?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite song from RENT?

Choose a Broadway musical:

Which of the following lyrics stands out to you?

Mark Cohen

Mark Cohen

You enjoy documenting and observing the things around you. You love a good time, but when you see struggle within your surroundings, you're right there on the double!

Roger Davis

Roger Davis

You enjoy a more intimate setting, just you and your passion. You are often closed off to having a significant other in your life because you have been hurt before, but when the right person comes along, you confide in that person.

Maureen Johnson

Maureen Johnson

You truly love a good time, and when you're ambitious about something, you are a fighter. You know exactly what you want, and if it doesn't go your way, you're more than wiling to fix it.

Tom Collins

Tom Collins

You definitely have brains, but you sometimes use them for risky business. You are certainly a provider, who gets by on very little, but with the little you have, you share with other people in your life.

Benjamin Coffin III

Benjamin Coffin III

You often want things one way, and you don't let passions or friendships get in the way of what you want. When times get tough, however, you stick to a more emotional solution rather than a logical one, making you kind-hearted deep down.

Joanne Jefferson

Joanne Jefferson

You love margins and discipline, but are always down for a good time. As a lover, you are loyal and want the one person you've dedicated yourself to with no interruptions. You are practical, but stand up for what's right when things get out of hand.

Angel DuMott Schunard

Angel DuMott Schunard

You are the most genuine and kind-hearted person that walks the streets of New York City. You find joy in giving to others, especially the ones you love. Despite your baggage, you keep bringing up the people in your life when they need you.

Mimi Marquez

Mimi Marquez

You absolutely love to have fun! You're young and ambitious, but when you want something or someone, you latch onto it, giving it your all. You're spunky, but still have a lot to learn. When you do learn, though, you will do a lot of good for the world.

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