Which GSE Choral Music Conductor are you?
Which GSE Choral Music Conductor are you?
Find out whether you're Sassy Stewart, Gorgeous Gwen, or Rad Robin. This quiz should only be taken 45% seriously.
Find out whether you're Sassy Stewart, Gorgeous Gwen, or Rad Robin. This quiz should only be taken 45% seriously.

While you're conducting, the choir misses a note. How do you react?
Your favorite musical performance direction is:
Are you a feminist?
Your ideal summer outfit is:
On a scale of 1 to 10, your sass level is:
What is your life motto?
How do you feel about sports?
What's you Hogwarts house?
Which animal do you relate to the most?
You are kind, compassionate, and in tune with your emotions. Of all the conductors, you are the most motherly and the easiest to talk to about anything.
You are funny and sassy but incredibly smart and emotional all the same. You are approachable and never fail to make people laugh.
Even though people see you as awkward or dorky, you extremely passionate and an outstandingly smart musician. You are caring and precise and always know the right thing to say at the right time.