An Open Letter To Those Liable for Bullying

Bullying can no longer be ignored.

Kelsey Willett
Created by Kelsey Willett(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 24, 2018
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Dear Schools, Bystanders, and Parents,

Walk a day in a victim of bullying shoes. They wake up terrified to go to school, everyday. They have to build up the courage and energy, everyday, to face their bully. They are constantly teased, picked on, and made fun of. Worse, they can’t even escape the bullying they have to face at school because it awaits for them at home on their computers or cell phones. Victims suffer from health issues that can last a lifetime such as anxiety, depression, and being suicidal. They constantly are feeling alone and hopeless. They can never escape, not even the effects because they are too scared to ask for help and no one takes the time to see through them. When no one sees through them and notices they are constantly crying inside when they aren’t in the privacy of their own bedrooms to shed real tears, they begin to feel unwanted in the world. It only takes one person to care and potentially save a child's life. All of you guys together can help diminish the worldwide problem of bullying.
Bullying Results In About
4, 400
Deaths Per Year

Schools, I don’t know if you realize but bullying does happen on your grounds, on your watch. UCLA did a study with two schools asking students if they ever experienced bullying in their school. In school #1, 46% of sixth graders reported that they experienced peer harassment and in school #2 the percent was 47% . These percents are too costly and show that as schools, you guys aren’t taking the act of bullying seriously. Further studies show that 25% of teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and only intervene in 4% of bullying incidents . That is a problem seeing as teachers, you guys are supposed to take on the duty to care for your students and give their parents your trust. When you turn a blind eye to bullying, you aren’t only supporting the bully but you are also adding to the victims feeling of being suicidal.
Bystanders, you guys witness bullying first hand. Bullies aren’t afraid to bully in front of you because you aren’t of any authority. By not saying anything, you give them your trust. 75% of the time you guys are supporting them just like teachers do when they decide not to intervene . It may have not been your choice to witness a bullying incident happen but you still witnessed it. I now want to tell you that when you do decide to intervene and tell authorities, 57% of the time the bullying is put to an end . That means that 57% of the time you could be saving a peers life. I know you guys don’t want to be a snitch but by being a snitch, you are also being a hero. It’s up to you guys to bring attention to the problem when teachers aren’t there to see it and parents aren’t there to see it online.   

Kids Stay Home From School
Everyday Because of Fear of Bullying

Parents, the way you raise your child is your choice. I want to let you know though you can make the wrong choice. When you decide to be too permissive or too harsh, you could potentially be raising your child to be a bully. By permissive I mean giving your child too much freedom and not enough discipline. You are making your child believe they can do/act however they want. A researcher found from a sample of college students that those who engaged in more bullying had permissive parents. Now, by being to harsh I mean abusing your child physically or verbally or providing an unsafe home environment. A study shows that 61% of bullies witnessed higher levels of victimization within their homes such as domestic violence. When you abuse your child or expose your child to abuse, they are going to turn around and do the same to others. Abuse at its core is a learned behavior, you are teaching them to go and bully . If you are an abusive parent, your not only abusing your child but you could also be abusing other children. The children that your child takes their anger and stress out on because they don’t know how else to respond to it. Instead of schools and bystanders who keep ignoring the issue of bullying, you are creating it. Children aren’t born bullies, they are raised, by you.
Schools, bystanders, and parents, I want you guys to think deeply about everything I just said. Every wrong choice you are making is effecting a children's life. Bullying is a life or death situation that can no longer be ignored. It needs to be taken seriously by each of you. First, all of you need to care. It’s children's lives we are talking about. Second, you all need to be aware of the causes of bullying and the signs of bullying. Lastly, stop it. Again, it only takes one person to save a child’s life. As schools, bystanders, and parents, together you can save multiple lives.

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