what is your super power
what is your super power
lets find your super power!
lets find your super power!

whats your favorite color
if you were at a park what would you do
what would you do on the weekend
what would you do at school
if you had one million dollars what would you do with it
which animal do you like
which superpower would you want to have
you have very chill personality but sense you got this power you are now very indecisive
You are a strong person you are a little angry OK a lot angry but you try to keep it under rapes OK u don't well at least your strong
You are very energetic you can be very annoying sometimes but people relay on you sometimes but you have so much energy and very happy
You can be very sad you are probably a inter-vert and you kinda don't like being around people and you like being alone and you might call yourself invisable
shape shift
shape shift
You like hiding behind a personality what this means you don't like being yourself but if you do show yourself your afraid people wont like you
read minds
read minds
You are what they calla nerd you are really smart but people usually just use you so they can use for your homework but your OK because you know your smart