The Self-Care Test
The Self-Care Test
Do you wait until you are exhausted before you stop working?
Do you forget to eat nutritious food and substitute junk food on the fly?
Do you say you will exercise and then put off starting a program?
Do you have poor sleep habits?
Are you constantly nagging yourself about not being good enough?
Are your relationships with people filled with conflict?
When you think about the future are you unclear about the direction you will take?
Do you spend most of your spare time watching TV?
Have you been told you are too stressed and yet you ignore these concerns?
Do you waste time and then get angry with yourself?
You take pretty good care of yourself, but you would be wise to examine those questions you answered yes to.
You need to rethink your priorities.
You are neglecting yourself and may be headed for high stress and burnout.
The Self-Care Test