What msp player are you?
What msp player are you?
What msp player are you? Find out in this quiz!
What msp player are you? Find out in this quiz!
What do you do in your spare time?
Whats your style?
What chatroom do you go to?
How long have you been on msp?
What are your favourite colours to wear?
How many friends do you have?
Someone asks you for a greet. You...
Someone buys your look. You...
The Emo/Goth/Punk
The Emo/Goth/Punk
Your a emo/goth/punk player. You normally are pretty edgy and all of your closet is black.
The Girly Girl
The Girly Girl
Your a girly girl. You love pink and purple, all of your clothes are sweet and kawaii.
The Famous Girl
The Famous Girl
Your the famous girl. You have probably like 2,000 friends, your level 30, and you have year vip. You ain't afraid of blocking beggars and newbs.
The Forumer
The Forumer
Your a expert forumer. The only word in your vocabulary is either "no" or "wow, that's original" You love annoying people on forums and are generally on them 24/7. Not to mention, you always wear those elf ears.
The Troller
The Troller
You are the troller. You get so bored that you make a new account and frustrate people. Your name is normally something like "Soy Sauce" or "Evil Grandma". You walk around the chatrooms and ask if anyone wants to date you.
The Basic
The Basic
You are the basic girl. You always keep up on new msp trends, always shop in the "top" section of the shop, and always date as many people as possible.
The Newb
The Newb
You are the newb. You probably made your account this week, and are completely new to the game. You normally beg the rich people and make them want to crawl on the floor and die.
The Baby
The Baby
You are the baby. You pretend to be a baby. That's all i need to say. MUMMY I NWEED NWAPPY CHANGING! Oh me gosh please stop XD