What Disney Sub-Character Are You?
What Disney Sub-Character Are You?
In this quiz you will see which Disney sub-character you really are! you can answer truthfully or non truthfully.
In this quiz you will see which Disney sub-character you really are! you can answer truthfully or non truthfully.
Are you evil, or good?
How do you usually feel?
What's your favorite color?
Do you like new, old, or in the middle Disney movies?
Which is your favorite Disney movie?
What gender are you?
And finally, pick one: Person, Creature, Animal, or Object. It doesn't matter that you're a person. Just pick one!
Oaken from Frozen!
Oaken from Frozen!
You are Oaken! You're cheery, VERY TALL, sensitive, and downright awesome. But when you get insulted, nothing can stand in your way of terminating them. (LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!)
The Blackfish from The Little Mermaid!
The Blackfish from The Little Mermaid!
You're the Blackfish! You are self obsessed, pretty, and a natural singer. Go you!
Philippe from Beauty and the Beast!
Philippe from Beauty and the Beast!
You are Phillippe! You're strong, a great swimmer, and a little skittish when it comes to wolves. You may be tough, but on the inside you're a softie.
A Goon from Sleeping Beauty!
A Goon from Sleeping Beauty!
You are a Goon! You are pig faced, troll like, and you serve Maleficent. Good for you! But be warned, you can be pushed around like a sack o' potatoes. WATCH YOUR BACK!!!! ( EVIL LAUGHTER!!!)
Ray's grandma from The Princess and the Frog!
Ray's grandma from The Princess and the Frog!
You are Ray's grandma! Also know as Grand ma ma! You are old, kindhearted (more or less), and you have a soft spot for everything! Just to say, you're a real pushover!
The Apple from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!
The Apple from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!
You are the Poison Apple! You are HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, AND SO 'FREAKIN EVIL!!!!!!!!!!! Not to be rude or anything, but that's basically what the Poison Apple is. Honestly, you knew this was coming.