Which Phantom of the Opera character are you most like?

This test will discover which character from Phantom of the Opera by doing Would You Rather questions. The images are from the 25th Anniversary performance in the Albert Hall starring Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess and Hadley Fraser.

Kizzy Lumley-Edwards
Created by Kizzy Lumley-Edwards(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 20, 2017

Would you rather be...

Would you rather be good at...

Would you rather have...

Would you rather be...

Would you rather...

Would you rather live...

Would you rather be able to...

Would you rather...

Would you rather kill...

Would you rather marry...

The Phantom

The Phantom

Key quotes:
"Turn your face away from the garish light of day. Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light and listen to the music of the night."
"Down once more to the dungeons of my black despair."
"The world showed no compassion to me!"
"Lead me, save me from my solitude."
"Christine, I love you."
"Hide your face so the world can never find you."
Key songs:
Phantom Of The Opera
Music Of The Night
The Point Of No Return
Down Once More
You are most like Erik, the Phantom of the Opera! You are misunderstood and different from other people, yet want to be like them. You can be cruel but your intentions are good.



Key quotes:
"You were once my one companion, you were all that mattered."
"Why can't the past just die?"
"Come to me, strange angel."
"The angel of music is very strict."
"Father once spoke of an angel, I used to dream he'd appear."
"We're past the point of no return."
"Whose is that shape in the shadows, whose is that face in the mask?"
Key songs:
Think Of Me
Angel Of Music
Phantom Of The Opera
All I Ask Of You
The Point Of No Return
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
Down Once More
You are most like Christine Daae! You are very talented, however some are intimidated by this. You are strong-willed, but you hate making difficult decisions.



Key quotes:
"Say you'll love me every waking moment."
"Have you no pity?"
"She may not remember me, but I remember her."
"What have we to hide?"
"Why make her lie to you to save me?"
Key songs:
All I Ask Of You
Down Once More
You are most like Raoul de Chagny! You are a rich young man with a passionate love. You are powerful, but you use your power for the right things.



Key quotes:
"Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen."
"Your part is silent, little toad."
Key songs:
Think Of Me
Prima Donna
You are most like Carlotta Guidicelli! You are a bit of a diva and live for popularity. You can be quite mean, but only so you can have the spotlight (figuratively and literally).



Key quotes:
"He's here, the Phantom of the Opera."
"Christine Daae could sing it, sir."
Key songs:
Angel Of Music
You are most like Meg Giry! You are quite talented, but people don't appreciate it sometimes. You are friendly, but can disappear into a crowd.



Key quotes:
"We get our opera, she gets our limelight."
"Gossip's worth its weight in gold."
"Far too many notes for my taste."
Key songs:
Prima Donna
You are most like the dynamic duo, Andre and Firmin. As the two are similar in personality, we count them as one. You are, in a word, a businessman (or woman). Money is a priority to you, but you do like to have a good time.

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