Top 10 Horror Movie Cliches
Top 10 Horror Movie Cliches
There is word, that makes every horror movie the same at something - cliche. Here are 10 most hated cliches in horror movies!
There is word, that makes every horror movie the same at something - cliche. Here are 10 most hated cliches in horror movies!
"Hiding from death" cliche
Now let's take look not at who dies, but how they die. Firstly, by trying to hide like a children, specifically under the bed, in the closet or by running up the stairs. We get it, they're scare, but the game Hide and Seek it's not likely way to survive dead killers, now is it?
"Knives only" cliche
Almost every slasher have knives as weapon. And people, who are protecting themselves too. Why doesn't anyone own gun? Well, exception for this cliche is police. But that never does them any favors either, as police tried to shoot Michael Myers, which hasn't died + he stabbed him.
"Killer just won't die" cliche
All horror villains have to come back again, after being killed. Moreover, they always somehow survive, leaving the door open for possible sequel. We get it. They want viewers to relax, before cracking the terror dial to eleven. And that's not satisfying ending, unless the bad guy goes down hard. And it's gone so bad, we can't even take most killer seriously anymore.