Which 'Scream Queens' character are you?
Which 'Scream Queens' character are you?
Find out which character you are from Fox's Scream Queens!
Find out which character you are from Fox's Scream Queens!
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On Mar 29, 2017
You see someone picking on your younger sibling. What do you do?
Pick a quote.
Choose one.
Choose a profession.
AAAH! You see the Green Meanie! What do you do?
How quick are you to judge someone?
Whats your order at a coffee house?
Would you rather be the good guy, or the bad guy?
Chanel Oberlin
Chanel Oberlin
You are Chanel! You are fashionable, and speak your mind. Even if it isn't always nice.
Sadie Swenson (#3)
Sadie Swenson (#3)
You are a sassy and low-key individual.
Libby Putney (#5)
Libby Putney (#5)
Zayday Williams
Zayday Williams
Hester Ulrich
Hester Ulrich
Cassidy Cascade
Cassidy Cascade
Ingrid Marie Hoffel
Ingrid Marie Hoffel
Cathy Munsch
Cathy Munsch
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021