Which SAO character are you?
Which SAO character are you?
See which SAO character you are!
See which SAO character you are!

Are you Male or Female?
What is your favorite color?
Do you consider yourself nice?
Do you have friends?
What is your wannabe hair color?
Do you consider yourself romantic?
Do you consider yourself bad ass?
Are you good with a sword?
Who's your favorite SAO character?
Do you get mad easily?
Are you cool under pressure?
How do you feel about team work?
Do you like to tease?
Pick one.
Last Q....... Do you watch SAO? (And I hope to god you do because why would you be taking this quiz otherwise? -_-)
You're Asuna! You are kind and caring, and can't resisting helping people that are in need. You are not afraid to take matters into your own hands in times of trouble, and while you may be kind, you will still rise to a challenge, and kick ass.
You're Sinon! Calm and cool under pressure, others greatly look up to you. But while you may be calm, you can also get angry easily. You can also be fragile at time, but are generally friendly.
You're Silica! You're cheerful and bright, and very supportive of your friends. You're also easily embarrassed, and tend to get a little flustered in romantic situations.
You're Lisbeth! You're a very friendly person that can usually get along with everyone you meet. You're very hard-working, but can be very defensive, and violent when angry. You also tend to tease ;)
You're Kirirto! You are typically not good with words, and can be very direct at times. You can come off rude to some people, and sometimes like to tease. Sometimes you can be a little over-confident. You are always calm and collected, and can sometimes appear distance.
You're Yui! You can be insecure, but with love, you are cheerful and bright! You aren't afraid of anything, and can be reckless at times. You are child-like and can be immature.
You're a bastard. Sorry.