Which DOT FRIEND are you?
Which DOT FRIEND are you?
Are you Evil Banana, Polar Wizard, or one of the Leg Brothers? It's time to find out! DOT FRIENDS is my original game - download it from http://kazaki-games.blogspot.com/2016/03/dot-friends.html
Are you Evil Banana, Polar Wizard, or one of the Leg Brothers? It's time to find out! DOT FRIENDS is my original game - download it from http://kazaki-games.blogspot.com/2016/03/dot-friends.html

Your crush approaches you. How do you react?
Favorite color?
You're on a sinking ship. Which do you save first?
How do you feel about depression and suicide?
Ideal vacation spot?
You are a stingy realist who only cares about getting a job. You like to tell people to wake up from their fantasies. Perhaps, you've been traumatized to being a robot by society.
Beauty Okra
Beauty Okra
You're obsessed with beauty, elegance and glamour! You can't go outside without make-up or dressing up properly.
You're extremely hyped about everything! Always on the zeal of your emotions, you just can stand to show off anything you're excited about!
Happy Carrot
Happy Carrot
You're humble, down-to-earth, shy, and probably living somewhere in the mountains or a rural area. You've got a big heart and you're one of a kind!
You like to ask people for things without considering if the person is well-stocked or not. You aren't very perceptive of other people's feelings and just "drive through".
Evil Banana
Evil Banana
You declare yourself as "evil" but you're really just a good person. You think that being badass makes you look cool and to mask yourself from other bullies, so you try to look tough on the outside but really soft on the inside, like a banana.
Anime is your life! You like getting noticed by senpai! You always marvel at Japanese culture. You're a big tsundere.
Polar Wizard
Polar Wizard
You have high premonition skills. You like to relax but when it comes to evildoers, "you shall not pass!"