Can We Accurately Tell If You're An A, B, or C Cup?
Can We Accurately Tell If You're An A, B, or C Cup?
Sorry to those beautiful women who are D Cup and beyond.
Sorry to those beautiful women who are D Cup and beyond.

When you press your boobs against a table, do they touch your chin?
Do you spend a lot of money on bras?
When you jump, what do your boobs do?
When you run, what do your boobs do?
Do people compliment your boobs?
Do you worry that your bikini top will fall off?
Do you ever get distracted by your boobs?
Did your boobs hurt when they grew?
Do you eat flax seeds and beans?
Finally, is it hard to put on your clothes (especially your tops)?
You're an A cup!
You're an A cup!
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You're a B cup!
You're a B cup!
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You're a C cup!
You're a C cup!
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