Rose City Romance: What's My Style?
Rose City Romance: What's My Style?
Overwhelmed by all the options in Portland? Take this quiz to figure out the perfect date for you and your lover.
Overwhelmed by all the options in Portland? Take this quiz to figure out the perfect date for you and your lover.

Reality Check: How much time do you have to devote to Valentine's Day?
On a typical Saturday night, you are likely to find my date:
My romance spirit animal is:
Which of these would impress your date the most?
Your date's preferred drink is:
Who wore it better?
Your date's idea of exercise is:
How much can you spend?
What do you find sexier?
Which Tom Hanks character are you?
Rose City Romance
Rose City Romance
Start off the evening with a champagne toast and gifts. Rather than a bouquet that only last a few days, how about a succulent terrarium from Solabee. Even the blackest of thumbs will be able to keep it alive at least for a few months. Then head down to the Living Room Theater to for an arthouse flick (For V-Day 2016 I suggest the Coen Brother’s movie, Hail, Caesar!) Order a couple chocolates and two glasses of wine to enjoy during the show. Finally, head across the street to the Ace Hotel for a romantic dinner in their restaurant Clyde Commons.
Play Date Day Date
Play Date Day Date
Maybe you have a couple little ones tagging along, or maybe you’re just a kid at heart, but this date is all about fun. Start the day with breakfast at Slappy Cakes on SE Belmont where you make your own pancakes. From there head to the South Waterfront for a ride on the Aerial Tram for a spectacular view of the city. You can sneak a kiss while the kids enjoy the ride. Then keep heading west, all the way to Tualatin for a little friendly competition at Sykart, indoor go-kart races. Finally, head back into town for lunch at Punch Bowl Social. The kids can bowl or play arcade game while the adults have a much deserved drink.
Have Snow Will Travel
Have Snow Will Travel
Nothing says love like a little adventure. Before picking up your date, stop at REI for a useful gift like some new gloves or hat. Then pack up the car for a day on the mountain, don’t forget the hot cocoa. Pick up your date then head for Mt. Hood to snowshoe Tom, Dick & Harry Mountain. At the top, surprise them with a fancy picnic while enjoying the stunning views of Mt. Hood. Some food ideas: a split of champagne, cheese, crackers, thermos of soup and Jacobson’s Salted Caramels. On the way home, stop for beers and BBQ at the festive Skyway Bar & Grill in Zigzag.
*Adventures in the snow can turn dangerous quickly, please be prepared with maps and survival gear.
Foodies 4Eva
Foodies 4Eva
A date for Portland foodies. Start your day at the NE Portland spot 180 for Xurros and coffee followed by a walk around the waterfront loop. You need to work off breakfast to make room for lunch. Next impress them with lunch at the brand spanking new Providore Fine Foods on Sandy Blvd where you can get oysters, rotisserie chicken or Little T baked goods. Next head to Hawthorne to buy your foodie a new cookbook at Powell’s Home & Garden store. Finally, throw down with an impressive dinner at a Portland institution like Paley’s Place or Departure for an impressive end to a fantastic day of food and romance.
Lazy Bones
Lazy Bones
Perfect for a homebody or someone who really needs to unwind. Ahead of time, clear your date’s schedule and take care of all the chores. Begin the day with fresh coffee (something good like Stumptown or Coava, no Safeway Select crap) and pastries in bed, while you queue up a day long TV binge. Perhaps a movie marathon, perhaps a series binge, just be sure it’s something memorable. Next it’s time for your gift: a brand new set of bed sheets. Spend the rest of the day alternating between the bed and the couch together, with an occasional snack break. For dinner, order Thai takeout and finish the day with a bubble bath.
Make the Most of It
Make the Most of It
Maybe you are in a long distance relationship, or maybe you’re unlucky in love, but you are spending Valentine’s Day alone. Buck up, it will be okay. Just follow the sage advice of Donna from Parks and Rec and “Treat Yo Self”. First, head to Powells for a little shopping spree, buy yourself at least 3 new books. Next head to a spa for a massage or facial, Dosha is always a good spot, but my personal favorite is Loyly. Last stop, order a pizza from your favorite spot and get as many olives on it as you want. It’s all for you. Now take your books and your pizza and a bottle of wine and go to bed.