What Cheese Are You?
What Cheese Are You?
Are you Gouda or badda? Sorry...that was a badda pun. Darn I did it again...
Are you Gouda or badda? Sorry...that was a badda pun. Darn I did it again...

What does your usual Friday night look like?
OH NO! You just spilled your coffee all over yourself!! How do you react?
Pick a band/singer!
Pick an ice cream flavor!
Pick a shoe!
What TV show are you most likely to watch?
Cucumbers or pickles?
You see a homeless starving cat, but you have to get to work on time! What do you do?!
Pick a color!
And lastly, pick a pizza topping!
Gouda Cheese
Gouda Cheese
You got Gouda! You are intelligent, sophisticated, nice, but a teensy bit antisocial. People like you, but you don't really like people. It takes you a while to make friends, and you are hard-hearted. You are good at decision-making, and you have a great sense of humor. Children like you.
American Cheese
American Cheese
You got American cheese! You enjoy doing good. You are a teensy bit bipolar and your personality can be flimsy. You get stressed easy, and you are emotional, but stoic. You are also kind of sad and emo. You always think the world is against you. You probably don't have many friends, but those who are friends with you, will stay loyal to you forever. You find it hard to make decisions; scatterbrain.
Goat Cheese
Goat Cheese
You got goat cheese! You work better in groups and you are very happy and friendly. Even though you are happy, it is easy to hurt your feelings. You are very emotional and show it too. You are very sane and regular... even a bit basic, and you can keep calm under pressure. You are that wonderful taste in a salad that every is looking for!
Mozzarella Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
You got mozzarella!! You are strange and kinda psycho, but you don't care, cuz you already know it. You LOVE a good party and you are overly social. You laugh at your own jokes and hate being embarassed. People enjoy being around you.
Cream Cheese
Cream Cheese
You are cream cheese!! You don't really fit in with the other cheeses but you're strange in your own special way. You're lonely but not emo, and you are happy with your weird self, even though people look at you funny, or make fun of you. It doesn't hurt you a bit. Stay as you are :)
Extra Sharp Cheddar
Extra Sharp Cheddar
You got extra sharp cheddar! You seem all nice and sweet, and everyone likes you, but when someone gets you angry, you become a monster!! You get angry and triggered easy, and you can be narcissistic. You are more pessimistic, and you are a little bossy. I definitely don't wanna get on YOUR bad side...