What Your Music Taste Says About You?
What Your Music Taste Says About You?
Choose the type of music that you like the best, submit, and see what it has to say about your personality!
Choose the type of music that you like the best, submit, and see what it has to say about your personality!

Pick the music genre you like the most.
Choose the era of music you associate most with.
Choose the band/artist that mostly resembles your music taste.
Pick the album cover that speaks to you the most.
Pick the musical instrument that speaks to you most.
Which of these songs can you relate to the most?
What playlist would you listen to based on its title?
Which outfit best represents your music taste as a whole?
Pick a song lyric.
Pick one.
You are both introverted and poetic. Being an introvert is not always a bad thing, because you are able to observe and understand the world around you. Poetry and words mean a lot to you, and could become a large part of your lifestyle. Your music taste tells us that you are a very open-minded individual with a large dose of heart and soul, but you have a hard time conveying your thoughts and emotions to those around you. Music is your escape, and helps provide comfort when you want to tune out the world for a while.
You are both extroverted and confident. You have a sense of self-importance, style, and strong ideals. Unstoppable as a person, you lead others with dignity and will-power. Your music taste tells us that you will achieve whatever you set your mind to. Use your confidence wisely, because in the future it may either help or hinder you. You're always dancing through life with an air of confidence, and aren't afraid to try new things.
You are both creative and artistic. Your creativity leaves you with an open-minded outlook on life, and you do not have trouble making the most of certain situations. Others look up to you because you are not afraid to express yourself. Your music taste tells us that you have the ability to recognize and appreciate aesthetics, and the world as a whole. Music is your muse, and you find it easy to draw inspiration from it. Because you are a creative, right-brained person, you put your heart and soul in everything visual around you.
You are both wild and reckless, neither of which are bad to a certain extent. You like to have fun, and appreciate others who speak their mind. Your recklessness brings you close to others with the same personality type, which gives you the reputation of being a very carefree and cool individual. Your music taste tells us that you like to have a good time, and don't care what others think of you along the way.
You are both calm and easygoing. When approached with a problem, you can handle it with grace and resilience. Others look to you for guidance, and you are happy to provide it. This is a very good trait to have, as it helps you make a lot of friends. Your music taste tells us that when faced with a troubling situation down the road, you are more than capable of solving it.
You are both insightful and independent. You are a very knowledgeable person, which allows you offer helpful advice and ideas to the world. Many others appreciate you for this, and look up to you as an individual. Your independent nature makes you a born leader, so you are bound to do great things. Your music taste tells us that you enjoy your time spent alone, and then share an eagerness to learn with others around you.
You are a natural-born performer and visionary! You like to visualize the future, and how you might succeed in life. Putting all your energy into your work can be a good thing in small doses, but be sure to use some of that spark in social aspects as well. Your music taste tells us that you are very open-minded and virtuous. No matter what, you always follow your heart, and feel most comfortable performing whenever, wherever.
You are extremely adventurous and athletic! Being a kinesthetic individual, you find it hard to sit still in one place for long. You enjoy going to new places, meeting new people, and finding adventure in everyday life. Your personality type allows you to make lots of friends, and make them easily; but be sure to keep in touch with the ones you might have left behind. Your music taste tells us that you're always dancing through life, and making the most out of every moment.